Health Risks of Being Overweight and Pregnant

The women thinking about the health risks of being overweight and pregnant should know that in this case there are risks both for the mother and for the baby.

The greater your weight is, the higher your chances are of being affected by complications. Nonetheless there are some things that you could do to make the situation better.

Health Risks of Being Overweight and Pregnant

Being overweight and pregnancy health risks

If you are overweight, the chances of having different kinds of complications are higher than in case of women with a normal weight. Problems include infertility or not being able to get pregnant. Another risk is having a miscarriage. This means the end of the pregnancy before the 20th week.

There are some other risks of pregnancy and being overweight such as having preeclampsia or high blood pressure.                Preeclampsia is a kind of high blood pressure that is specific for pregnant women. It is dangerous for both the mother and the baby.

When thinking about the health risks of being overweight and pregnant you should also know that you have higher chances of stillbirth. This means that the baby dies in the uterus after the 20th week of pregnancy. Gestational diabetes is another risk that you might have to face.

You might have some complications during childbirth or labor. It is possible that you will have a big baby or you may have to have a C-section because of the complications caused by your weight.

The baby and the health risks of being overweight and pregnant

Usually the babies of overweight women are healthy but they could have some medical problems such as birth defects. These include neural tube defects that affect the spine and the brain. It is also possible for the baby to be born prematurely. If the baby is too large, he or she could get injured during birth.

The sad truth about the health risks of pregnancy and obesity is that in some cases the babies of overweight women die after birth. Another possibility that you have to think about is that the child may be obese during his or her childhood.

Before getting pregnant you should think about the health risks of being overweight and pregnant and this might make you start having some changes in your life. It is best if you lose some weight before getting pregnant.


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