What Should You Know About Infertility Problems

In case you are interested in infertility problems, you should know that infertility refers to the situation when a woman was trying to get pregnant for a year without any success. In the same time it also refers to women who can get pregnant, but can’t carry their pregnancy to term.

Infertility Problems

How common is the problem of infertility?

The sad truth is that this is a relatively common problem. About 10% of all women are affected by it according to official information. The statistics in this field are created using information of women between ages 15 and 44.

Is it only a woman’s problem?

When considering infertility issues you should know that it doesn’t only affect women. Men could also have some problems that could lead to infertility. Furthermore, only about a third of the cases involve a women’s problem. Another third is caused by men’s problem and the rest is caused by a mixture of problems.


In case you are interested in the issues of infertility you should know that in the majority of the cases the cause is a problem with ovulation. If there is no ovulation, no eggs can be fertilized. The signs of anovulation include absent or irregular menstrual periods.

In many cases the infertility difficulty is caused by PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome). This is a kind of hormone imbalance problem which could affect ovulation. Another cause of the problem is POI (primary ovarian insufficiency). This appears in case the ovaries stop working as they should before the age of 40.

Less common causes of difficulties with infertility

It is possible for the fallopian tube of women to be blocked because of endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease or an ectopic pregnancy. In the same time there could be physical problems with your uterus. Uterine fibroids could also make it more difficult for women to conceive.

Risk factors

There are some things that could increase the risks of having fertility problems. These include age, excess drinking, smoking, poor diet, stress, being underweight or overweight, athletic training, sexually transmitted infections and health problem that lead to hormonal imbalances.


In our days there are a lot of women who wait until their 30s or 40 to get pregnant and then they realize that they have problems with fertility. More and more women have children after the age of 35, so age becomes a major risk factor. About a third of the women over 35 have problems conceiving.

Fertility issues arise as time passes by because the ovaries of women lose their ability to release a mature egg and there are fewer eggs left. In the same time the eggs aren’t as healthy as they used to be and women are more likely to have some health problems that influence their fertility. After a certain age women have higher chances of having miscarriages.

Now you know more about how to resolve infertility and you can see that you can avoid problems of this kind if you start planning ahead.


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