Effects of Preeclampsia in Pregnancy

Preeclampsia is a complex medical disorder which affects about 5% of the women who are pregnant. This condition affects women if they have high blood pressure and protein in the urine after about 20 weeks of pregnancy. The affects of this condition start showing up after a pregnant woman has reached the 37th week of pregnancy.

But in some cases this disorder can develop any time in the second half of the pregnancy period. In certain rare cases, preeclampsia shows up either during labor or even after delivery. The only way to get better in this condition is to deliver the baby. The following are a few of the effects of preeclampsia in pregnancy:

Effects of Preeclampsia in Pregnancy

  • Preeclampsia is a condition which causes the blood vessels to constrict which thus results in high blood pressure. This may also cause a reduced blood flow which can thereby affect different organs of the body such as the liver, brain and even the kidneys.
  • When lesser amount of blood flows to the uterus, it can cause problems for the baby. These problems may include poor growth, little amniotic fluid, and even placental abruption. The baby may also suffer the effects of prematurity and the baby might need to be delivered way before the due time.
  • In the cases when preeclampsia is severe, it can affect many organs and may also be a threat to the life of the mother.
  • Some other effects or rather symptoms of preeclampsia in pregnancy include abdominal pain, headaches, visual disturbances like blurred vision, seeing spots etc.
  • Preeclampsia may also cause nausea, vomiting, heightened levels of anxiety and a burning behind the sternum.

The exact causes of this disorder in the case of pregnant women in unknown but some factors increase the chance of a woman to get this condition. These factors are:

  • In case of a first pregnancy, the chances of a woman suffering from this condition increases.
  • If you are having a pregnancy after about 10 years, even then there are chances that you might develop this condition of high blood pressure and protein in the urine.
  • If you are above 40 years old so the risk of preeclampsia increases.
  • In the case of a pregnancy with twins, triplets or more babies, this condition has heightened chances of affecting the mother.
  • History of preeclampsia in the family might also raise the risk level.


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