Old Wives Tales of Knowing Whether it is a Boy Or a Girl

In older days, when there was no advanced technology of finding out whether a woman was expecting a boy or a girl, there were many methods which old ladies used to predict the gender of the unborn baby. They used many observations methods to make these predictions and in many cases, they turned out to be correct. Even in this modern era where one can get gender information, many people rely on these old methods.

Whether It Is A Boy Or A Girl

The following are some of the old wives tales of knowing whether it is a boy or a girl:

You May be Expecting a Boy if:

  • If your baby’s heartbeat is less than 140 beats per minute.
  • If you are blooming and glowing during pregnancy.
  • If you do not suffer from any kind of morning sickness during the first trimester of your pregnancy.
  • If your right breast is larger or bigger than the left one.
  • If you crave more for salty food or food high on protein such as cheesy food items and meat.
  • Even in the case when your skin becomes very dry then chances are that you may be expecting a Baby boy.
  • If the hair on your legs grow at a much faster rate than normal.
  • If your urine is bright yellow in color.
  • If your feet tend to become very cold quickly than it used to be before pregnancy.
  • If you tend to lie on your left side during pregnancy, even then chances are that you are expecting a boy.
  • If you are much more prone to headaches.
  • If you were the more aggressive one while love making when the baby was conceived.
  • If in the ultrasound pictures, the baby has been seen to have a sloping forehead and the lower jaw if squared in shape then you might have a chance of delivering a boy.

You May be Expecting a Girl if:

  • If your baby’s heartbeat is more than 140 beats per minute.
  • If your skin is soft during pregnancy
  • If you crave more for sweet food items such as desserts, fruits, sweets and juices.
  • If you are more moody than usual.
  • If your right breast is smaller than the left one.
  • If you are not particularly blooming or glowing than usual.
  • If you hair appear duller and thinner than usual during pregnancy.
  • If your urine is dull yellow in color.
  • If you tend to lie down on your right side while sleeping during pregnancy then too, you might have a chance of delivering a baby girl.
  • If you were less aggressive than your partner when the baby was conceived.
  • If you suffered from morning sickness during the first trimester.
  • If in the pictures of the ultrasound, the lower jaw of your baby is more rounded whereas the top side of head is tapered then you might have a chance of giving birth to a girl. This theory is considered very accurate and is called skull theory.

Photo Credit By: pixabay.com


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