Types of Depression After Pregnancy

When women get pregnant they don’t really think about the types of depression after pregnancy. They think that this is something that can happen only to other people. Nonetheless it is a real risk and there is no way of knowing whether you will be affected or not.

Types of Depression After Pregnancy

Baby blues

This is a mild kind of depression that affects about 30%-80% of all new mothers. The symptoms of this kind of depression include moodiness, sadness, anxiety, insomnia, crying spells, and fatigue.

It usually begins 3 -10 days after birth but it should be over in a couple of weeks.

Major depression

In case you are thinking about the kinds of depression after pregnancy, it is good to know that this type represents a more serious threat. It appears later than the baby blues, about three weeks after birth, or even more. Generally speaking one tenth of new mothers are affected by it.

Be prepared

The symptoms of this one of the different types of depression after pregnancy include crying spells, difficulties with making decisions, poor concentration, sadness, suicidal thoughts and the feeling of inadequacy. The physical symptoms involve sensitivity to cold, dry skin, fatigue and constipation.

Postpartum psychosis

When thinking about the different post pregnancy depression kinds, you ought to know that they occur relative rarely, in about 0.1% of all cases. Usually the signs of depression appear about 2 weeks after childbirth. However, there is a second peak as well that appears 1-3 months after the baby is born.

What to look out for?

The women thinking about the types of depression after pregnancy should know that the symptoms include severe insomnia, confusion, agitation, irritability, memory loss, and anxiety. It is also possible for women to have intrusive thoughts, hallucinations, delusions, and disinterest towards the child.

What to expect?

It is interesting to know about this depression type after childbirth that it can lead to fast changes in the behavior of women. Sometimes women seem extremely happy in one moment and they are sad in the next. Affected women may have moments of lucidity, but that doesn’t mean that they are getting better.

The truth is that there are only a few people talking about the different types of depression after pregnancy. However, this is a real problem and if you think that you may be experiencing some of the symptoms, the best thing you could do is to talk to your doctor.


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