Scoliosis and Pregnancy – How Pregnancy Can Impact Scoliosis

Scoliosis is a medical condition in which a person’s spine is curved from side to side in an S shape or a C shape.

Scoliosis and pregnancy can raise obvious concerns, both in terms of the condition worsening due to the pregnancy and difficulties in labor and delivery as well as concerns regarding passing the condition on to the child.

scoliosis and pregnancyThough there are chances of passing on the condition this is not an automatic assumption.

The combination of scoliosis and pregnancy could have the following results –

  • There is the apprehension that the spine curvature could worsen as a result of the pregnancy, with the added weight and pressure that the increasing size of the uterus can place upon different parts of the body. However this is not necessarily the case. Scoliosis and pregnancy will not automatically increase the curvature of the spine, in particular for women over 25 there may be no change in curvature. Though in some cases such alterations are noted, particularly among women with severe scoliosis.
  • Sometimes symptoms of scoliosis and pregnancy could be increased back pain which is noted in some cases, though in a majority of cases of mild to moderate scoliosis, the pregnancy, delivery and labor could be much the same.
  • Scoliosis and pregnancy, particularly the later stages of pregnancy could cause breathlessness and breathing trouble as the diaphragm gets pushed back and up by the expanding uterus. At this time the back pain could also increase. Most pregnant women experience some form of back pain and scoliosis and pregnancy could exacerbate that condition.
  • In particular, pain management options should be considered by women with scoliosis and pregnancy. This is not just relating to pain during pregnancy but also pain management during labor. The possibility or advisability of an epidural should be discussed in advance.
  • Scoliosis and pregnancy means that a cesarean section may be advised by the doctor, however this is not necessarily the case. Many more women are now finding it possible to deliver vaginally in spite of having scoliosis, with no untoward results or undue complications.
  • Women with severe scoliosis and pregnancy should consult a doctor for proper monitoring of the pregnancy since there could be complications that arise as a result. In fact it is best to consult with a doctor prior to getting pregnant if a woman has severe scoliosis so that the advisability of getting pregnant may be frankly discussed.
  • In cases where a woman has undergone surgery for scoliosis, pregnancy has to wait for a minimum of 6 months post the surgery for healing.


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