Best Birthing Positions

There are many different kinds of birthing positions that you may want to try even before you enter labor. You could try them all at home.

Remember that while you are practicing you shouldn’t really push. Just hold the position for about a minute and then change.

Birthing bar and positions for birthing

All labor beds can have a birthing bar attached that helps women with the squatting position. In this position the size of the pelvis expands and women can use the power of gravity to help the baby descend. In this position the head of the bed can be raised and the foot dropped.

Birthing PositionsIn case of this one of the positions for birthing you can sit back between the contractions and lean forward finding support in the bar during the next contraction.

There is another way as well to use the birthing bar – supports your feet with a towel on the top of the bar.

If you are using this one of the birthing positions, you can grasp on the sheet and push downward.

This position is usually used by women who are too short to be supported by the bar or who have an epidural and their legs cannot support them in a squatting position.

Birthing stool

The advantage of this one of the positions for birthing is that it puts you in a familiar position: the one you have during bowel movements. Normally the stool is low so that you have to flex your legs, expanding the pelvis. The force of gravity helps the movement of the baby. During the contractions, you have to push and between contractions lean against your partner for support.

Sitting upright

This one of the birthing positions is something like the use of the birthing stool. It is important for the mother to lean forward and to have her elbows out when pushing. The head of the bed should be raised and the foot lowered so that it can support her feet.

Just as in case of the previous one of the positions for birthing, you can use gravitation to facilitate the movement of the baby. Between the contractions, you can lean backwards, supported by the bed. If it feels more comfortable, you can have your partner sitting behind you in this position.


The good thing about this one of the birthing positions is that you can use it if you are affected by back pain and it also facilitates the movement of the baby. When you have a contraction you have to push while flexing the hips and lowering the buttocks. Between the contractions you get support from the head of the bed.

If you are using this one of the positions for birthing you could also be supported by your hands and feet, but in this case your wrists could get tired very fast. Because of this you might want to rest on your elbows. As an alternative, you could also support your upper body on a birthing ball.

Semi-seated and support

This is considered the most common one of the birthing positions. It facilitates the movement of the baby but because it is more convenient for the doctor or the midwife. In this case it is important for the head of the bed to be raised and the mother should have a pillow under her right hip.

When using this one of the positions for birthing, the mother is slightly bent to the left. This way the pressure doesn’t interfere with the blood flow.

Now you know more about the birthing positions so make sure you try them for an effective pain management during birth.


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