Most Common Braxton Hicks Symptoms or Training for Labor Pain

Before you really go into labor, you could have some false contractions and this is the time when you experience the Braxton Hicks symptoms.

This way your body can prepare for real labor. These contractions occur irregularly during the third trimester and they are entirely normal.

Braxton Hicks Symptoms

What do the symptoms of Braxton Hicks feel like?

Some women who have already gone through this experience say that the Braxton Hicks contractions feel like the tightening of the abdomen that just comes and goes. Some women say that these contractions are something like the menstrual cramps.

The difference between the signs of Braxton Hicks and real labor is that the contractions in this case aren’t painful and they appear at irregular intervals. The contractions don’t get closer, they don’t get worse during given activities, they don’t get stronger and they don’t increase in length unlike the real contractions.

How do you know?

In order to know whether you have the Braxton Hicks symptoms or real labor, you should think about the frequency of the contractions. These contraptions don’t get closer together and they are irregular, unlike the labor contractions. You should also consider whether the contractions change if you move.

If you are dealing with the Braxton Hicks contractions symptoms, the contractions could get better or stop entirely if you make a movement or you start walking. In case of the real labor the contractions don’t stop no matter what you do. Even more, they could get worse if you start moving.


When it comes to the Braxton Hicks symptoms you should know that these contractions are usually weak and they don’t get stronger. It is also possible that at first the contractions are strong, but then they get weaker. In case of real labor the strength of the contractions slowly increases.

The location of the pain

If you are facing the Braxton Hicks contraction signs, the contractions are usually experienced in the front of the pelvic region or the abdomen. During labor the contractions usually start in the lower abdomen and then they start moving towards the front of the abdomen. If you think that you are experiencing the signs of true labor, let your doctor know as soon as possible.

It is important to make the difference between the Braxton Hicks symptoms and the symptoms of real labor. This way you will know when you have to prepare for the big event.


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