Facing the Challenges of Multiple Pregnancy

A multiple pregnancy is more challenging than a single pregnancy. One needs to evaluate and decide on many aspects of the birthing as the birthing of twins is definitely a challenge and not every practitioner and for that matter, hospital may be an expert at it.

Starting with your practitioner, you will have to decide whether you would like to continue with him/her or look for another expert.

At most times the regular practitioner can take care of you with a little extra help.

Twin CareIn case she is a midwife, all you need do is be in regular touch with a doctor. In case your pregnancy is a special case you may like to use the services of a perionatologist who will take care of your special needs.

When choosing a doctor check out a few factors like whether he works solo or in a group and whether the doctor has ultrasound equipment at his office.

Ask if the hospital he is associated with has neo natal care facilities.

This is important as the chances of delivering twins before time is high. Does the doctor routinely induce labor in the 38th week for multiple births or prefer a c-section? For some doctors it is a matter of policy, so check to see if it suits you.

Some mothers may be interested in a home birth, but it may not be the safest choice when twins are involved. More often than not a Cesarean is required for the second if not both the babies.

Moreover most doctors prefer to induce labor or perform a c-section in the 38th week when twins are involved. In both situations the mother needs to be at a hospital.

A Cesarean may or may not be required when delivering twins. If the first baby is not breech, the doctor will try for a natural birth. In case of any labor complications, the doctor will advise you to have a caesarean in order not to take any risks.


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