Find Out When Does Implantation Bleeding Occur

In case you are trying to get pregnant, it is important to know when does implantation bleeding occur. Although during pregnancy bleeding could be a scary sign, before pregnancy women would really like to see some implantation bleeding. Such a bleeding is something normal and natural.

When does implantation bleeding occur?

According to official information, the bleeding happens about 10-14 after ovulation, meaning when the ovary releases the egg. The truth is that there is no way to give a specific time frame because it all depends on the speed of the egg that has to travel through the fallopian tube and needs to reach the uterus.

When Does Implantation Bleeding OccurThe implantation bleeding occurs in the moment when the fertilized egg gets implanted into the sensitive lining of the uterus. Similarly, the length of the bleeding could also vary from one case to the other. It is possible for the bleeding to be brief and hardly noticeable.

When implantation bleeding occurs, it is possible that it lasts for a few days and the flow could be lighter or something like a normal period. Nonetheless if the flow is heavier than your regular periods then it is very likely that it’s not implantation bleeding that you are faced with.

If you are thinking about when implantation bleeding occurs, you should know that during your cycle the body goes through several changes to get the uterus ready for the egg and to make sure that it is a nurturing environment. In case the egg doesn’t get fertilized, it is discarded and the uterine lining starts to shed.

The obvious answer to the question when does implantation bleeding occur is that this happens when the egg gets fertilized. After fertilization, the egg travels to the uterus and it gets embedded in the lining made of tissue and blood. This process could cause some discomfort and also some bleeding.

Regarding the time you should also know that it is possible for a piece of the uterine lining to detach in order to make room for the egg. This is a natural process and there is no reason for you to get scared. The blood and the excess tissue will appear in the form of implantation bleeding.

Other kinds of bleeding

It may be important to know when does implantation bleeding occur because, according to official information, about 20%-30% of women experience some kind of bleeding during pregnancy. The women having sex during the early stages of pregnancy may experience some bleeding.

You may think that you are bleeding when implantation bleeding occurs, but remember that during pregnancy the cervix could become sensible and engorged with blood, so there are other things as well that could lead to some kind of bleeding. In some cases it is possible for the bleeding to be delayed.

If you are thinking about when does implantation bleeding occur keep in mind that it is possible for the bleeding to appear only about 12 days after ovulation took place. In some cases it is possible that the bleeding doesn’t have an important reason. Nonetheless, it is good to keep an eye out for it.

When implantation bleeding occurs there is no reason to be alarmed, but you should talk to your doctor or midwife if you experience prolonged bleeding or if the bleeding is accompanied by some level of pain. It is possible that you have some complication, like ectopic pregnancy or a miscarriage.

Now you may know when does implantation bleeding occur and also additional information regarding pregnancy and conception that you could use in case of a future pregnancy.


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