How to Handle Yeast Infection and Pregnancy

We all know that it is common for women to have a yeast infection, but you should also know that yeast infection and pregnancy is even more common, especially during the second trimester. Although the infection usually doesn’t affect the pregnancy, it is more difficult to handle, causing more discomfort.

Yeast Infection and Pregnancy

How to treat yeast infection during pregnancy?

During this period of your life the best thing you could do is to use only suppositories and vaginal creams. This is because the commonly used oral medications weren’t proved to be safe during pregnancy. If the infection isn’t treated, it is possible for the baby to also get infected during birth.

If the baby also gets infected with yeast infection while being pregnant the infection is known as thrush. The good news is that it is quite easy to treat it with medications. During pregnancy it might take 10-14 days for the infection to clear up and to get rid of the bothersome symptoms.

When it comes to yeast infections and pregnancy the majority of pregnant women want to avoid another infection. In this case it may be a good idea to use drying powder that is free of starch or Nystatin powder. Both of them are efficient in this case.

How to prevent yeast infection when being pregnant?

There is a lot that women could do in order to avoid the infection. These include wearing breathable clothing that is loose and that is made of cotton. Also it is a good idea to opt for cotton underwear. After having a shower you could use the blow drier at a low setting to dry the genital area.

In order to avoid pregnancy and yeast infection you should make sure that after using the toilet you start wiping from the front to the back. If you go swimming, you should shower right after you get out of the pool. Make sure that you change your damp clothes as fast as you can.

To ensure that you won’t have to face pregnancy and yeast infections, during these 9 months you should avoid douching and using any kind of feminine hygiene products, tampons or toilet paper that is colored and perfumed.

Your diet also has a word to say regarding pregnant women’s yeast infection. During pregnancy you should have yogurt in your diet and make sure that you don’t have too much sugar, because it promotes the growth of yeast. Have a lot of rest so that it will be easier for your body to fight off the infections.

When to call your doctor?

If you experience any of the yeast infection in pregnant women symptoms, you should call your doctor immediately. It is important to mention that the yeast infection has symptoms that are similar to other infections, such as the STDs. This is why it is crucial to get an accurate diagnosis as soon as possible.

Although yeast infection in pregnancy sounds scary, you should know that it is treatable and there is nothing to be afraid of.


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