Understanding the Symptoms of Morning Sickness

Perhaps one of the best known side effects associated with pregnancy is the occurrence of morning sickness. In this regard, it is very important for all of the expectant mothers to try their best and know about the symptoms of morning sickness so as to ensure that they are better able to deal with them when the time to do so finally comes.

There is a lot of information regarding the same that has been made available over the years regarding the symptoms of morning sickness and it is deemed that many of the expectant mothers who are faced with the need for such vital information can benefit from the use of these resources.

Symptoms of Morning SicknessOne such resource that has been on the forefront in the provision of vital information related to the occurrence and control of morning sickness is the Internet which, in addition to being very accessible, contains this information for free.

Official records indicate that the problems and symptoms related to morning sickness normally afflict every 8 out of 10 women, which goes on to show just how prevalent the problem is.

The same records further reveal that the symptoms of morning sickness usually set in the first trimester of pregnancy, usually between the periods from the fourth to the sixth month of pregnancy. The good news is that most of the symptoms fade gradually as the pregnancy progresses and there is normally evidence of very few such symptoms after the end of the first trimester.

The 3 main symptoms of morning sickness

There are a number of symptoms of morning sickness that have been brought to light in the recent years, but out of all these symptoms, there are some three symptoms that stand out from the rest and which deserve to be mentioned at this point. Knowing these symptoms will be helpful in the sense that it will enable the expectant women to be able to tell when to expect the beginning of morning sickness. These three symptoms include:

Nausea and vomiting

This is the most renown of the symptoms of morning sickness. In fact, in the minds of most people, the symptoms of vomiting and nausea that occur during pregnancy are usually considered synonymous with morning sickness.

Even though the real reason for the occurrence of nausea and vomiting among pregnant women has not yet been fully established, most researchers in the field believe that it has a lot to do with the increased levels of progesterone and hCG in the bodies of the expectant women.

Mood swings

It is not entirely uncommon to hear of pregnant women who exhibit frequent mood swings, especially in the earlier stages of the pregnancy. Such mood swings are normally very rapid and often entirely unpredictable. They too are a symptom indicating the onset of morning sickness.

Heightened sense of smell

In the early stages of pregnancy, most expectant women tend to exhibit a heightened sense of small. As such, they are able to detect some mild odors and easily get irked by smells that would otherwise have gone unnoticed by other individuals who are not pregnant.


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