What to Know When Choosing the Best Pregnancy Pillow

One of the things that you must take into consideration when thinking about getting pregnant is that you will hardly ever get a good night’s sleep and this is why you might be looking for the best pregnancy pillow.

Which one is the top pregnancy pillow?

When looking for such pillows, you should know that there are three main kinds of pillows that you can choose from: the ‘C’, ‘J’ and ‘U’ shaped pillows. Some women say that the ‘J’ shaped pillow isn’t really one of the top pregnancy pillows because while they offer support to the head and the neck, they cannot support the back and the belly.

Best Pregnancy PillowThe ‘C’ shaped pillow is also the choice of many women, but still it may not be the best pregnancy pillow on the market because you can’t have back and belly support in the same time.

If you want total support for your back, neck, head, belly and in some cases to even your leg, the ‘U’ shaped pillow is what you have been looking for. A lot of women say that this is the top pregnancy pillow that you can find.

Although it is just perfect, it takes a little more space than the other pillows so your husband has to get used to the space that is taken from him.

Boppy as the best pregnancy pillow

This is the company that has produced one of the best breastfeeding pillows and now they have also come up with a pregnancy pillow that seems to be working out just fine. One of these products is a wedge that you can place to your back and that will prevent you from sleeping on it.

Another top pregnancy pillow has the shape of a kidney that you can place under your legs to keep your back straight. The company also offers a heating pad that could help you with your back pain and there is also a pillow that you can use while sitting to have the right posture.


This is different from all the other top pregnancy pillows, because it is a huge pillow that follows the lines of your body. The top part of it supports your head, while the middle supports the back and the bottom part is supposed to support your knees to help your hips and to keep the pelvis open. Besides Snoogle there is also Snoozer that is a similar product that you can opt for.


This is also considered the best pregnancy pillow by some. Actually it is an entire line of products that have been designed to help women stay on their side while sleeping. There are two cushions, one of them supporting your back while the other one supports your belly. In case you prefer the organic products, this is the way to go.

There is no general answer for which is the best pregnancy pillow. You have to find the one that works out the best for you in this period.


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