Getting Ready for Baby! Follow the Given Steps

When you are getting ready for baby it looks like you have to deal with endless lists, like what to bring to the hospital, what baby gear you need and also stocking the medicine cabinet and the refrigerator.

Nonetheless there are also some other organizational matters that you have to address.

Medical coverage and preparing for baby

Even before the baby is born, you should find out how the coverage works. In some cases, women have to notify their employer or doctor or both. Also find out about the pediatricians that are accepting new patients. It is important to know about the number of days you can register in your health plan after childbirth.

Getting Ready for Baby


In the period when you are preparing for baby, you have to consider that in the majority of the cases the pediatricians want to see the small patients within six weeks of birth. It is a good idea to have the number of the doctor with you at the hospital.

This way you will be able to call him or her as soon as the baby is born. The good thing about getting ready for baby is that after a while people will get just as stressed as you are and they will take care of the scheduling activities. After birth all you have to do is just to relax.


While preparing for baby you may think that you won’t need the services of babysitter, but still it may be useful to have a few numbers just as a kind of reassurance. In case you have the luck of being surrounded by eager family members, there is no reason for you to think about babysitters in the future.

If you have to think about babysitters when getting ready for baby you should ask around from other mothers about the babysitters that they are satisfied with or you could post at local college’s career services or parenting websites. According to mothers, it is best to have the interviews after the baby is born.

Lactation consultants

At this point, you probably already know whether you will nurse or not as part of preparing for baby. If you do it is best to get the number of a few lactation consultants. You could start by asking your doctor about his or her recommendations.

When getting ready for baby, it is best to gather several phone numbers of this kind because the advice you get from a consultant may not be the same that you get from another and it is possible for some of them to be on vacation when the baby arrives.

According to mothers, as part of preparing for baby, it is best to see several consultants. Sometimes this is covered by your health care plan and this way you will feel like you did everything you could.

As you can see there is a lot to do when getting ready for baby and most probably you will go through all the lists several times.


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