Low Amniotic Fluid in 35 Weeks Pregnant

Amniotic fluid is also called as liquor amnii. At 35 weeks, this amniotic fluid which is surrounding the baby is at the peak and it will begin to diminish gradually from now on.

Sometimes there will be a condition of too low amniotic fluid in 35 weeks pregnant. The too low amniotic fluid condition is known as oligohydramnios.

Amniotic fluid

Amniotic fluid surrounds the baby in the mother’s womb. It consists of a distinctive odor which is different from that of urine. If there is any breakage of amniotic sac membrane, it results in the fluid leakage. This is called as water breakage or membrane rupture.

And also pregnant women easily confuse whether they are leaking urine or liquor amnii at this period of their pregnancy. If you are not sure of what you are leaking, then you should call your general practitioner. They can test and tell you whether it is liquor or urine.


The condition of having too low amniotic fluid is called as oligohydramnios. Doctors carry out different methods to measure the amniotic fluid amount. The most commonly used method is AFI which stands for Amniotic Fluid Index.

If the AFI indicates the level of fluid below 5 cm, or if the volume of the fluid is below 500 ml at 32 weeks to 36 weeks of the pregnancy, then the oligohydramnios diagnosis would be expected. Nearly eight percent of the pregnant women can have this low amniotic fluid levels, with nearly four percent being diagnosed with the oligohydramnios. This condition can take place during any time of pregnancy, but mostly it is common in the last trimester.

Causes of the low amniotic fluid

Low Amniotic Fluid in 35 Weeks Pregnant

Problems with the placenta

If enough nutrients and blood is not provided by the placenta to the baby, then the baby might stop recycling the amniotic fluid.

Membranes rupture

This may be a slow constant fluid trickle or a fluid gush. This is because of the membrane rupture. The PROM (Premature Rupture Of Membranes) can also cause the low levels of amniotic fluid.

Maternal difficulty

The factors like maternal dehydration, diabetes, chronic hypoxia, preeclampsia, and hypertension can affect the levels of amniotic fluid.

Risks of having low level of amniotic fluid

The risks which are associated with the oligohydramnios mostly depend upon the pregnancy period. If the oligohydramnios is noticed in the 2nd half of the pregnancy, the difficulties can be as follows:

  • Preterm birth.
  • Intrauterine Growth Restriction.
  • Labor difficulties like cesarean delivery, meconium stained amniotic fluid, and cord compression.


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