Important Signs and Symptoms at 38 Weeks Pregnant

Life is not easy for the pregnant women, especially if we are thinking about the signs and symptoms at 38 weeks pregnant.

The good news is that there are no symptoms that could surprise you since you are already familiar with their majority.

Signs and Symptoms at 38 Weeks Pregnant

Frequent urination

As the baby gets lower in the pelvic region, he or she will be pressing against your bladder, making you run to the toilet quite often. Make sure that you don’t have coffee or any other kinds of diuretic drinks now. However, you shouldn’t skip all fluids because they are important both for you and the baby.

Vaginal discharge

The majority of the women see this one of the symptoms and signs of the 38th pregnancy week. There is more vaginal discharge and it is also possible that you will lose the mucus plug as the cervix dilates. This doesn’t mean that you will give birth right away. It might be weeks or even a month until that moment.


When thinking about the signs and symptoms at 38 weeks pregnant you should know that it is possible for the vaginal discharge to be bloody. This is because the blood vessels of the cervix can rupture when it dilates. It could mean that you will see your baby sooner than you thought.


This is the nature’s way to make room for the baby. If you have diarrhea during this week it means that you will give birth very soon. Make sure that you are well hydrated and don’t have foods that are high in fiber or fat.

Changes in the energy level

The women thinking about the signs and symptoms at 38 weeks pregnant ought to know that during this week the energy levels can change. Some women are affected by fatigue while others feel like they have more energy than ever. This is also known as the nesting instinct.

Braxton Hicks contractions

While you might think that this one of the signs and symptoms at 38 weeks pregnant means that you are in labor it is good to know that in fact these contractions are only exercise contractions to prepare the body for the real deal. However, you can use them to practice the visualization and breathing techniques.


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