Signs and Symptoms of 5 Weeks Pregnant – What to Expect

When thinking about the signs and symptoms of 5 weeks pregnant, you should know that this is the time when the majority of the women start seeing the first indications of their pregnancy.

Until now, you had to look really hard to find them, but from now one it won’t be that difficult.

Signs and Symptoms of 5 Weeks Pregnant

Morning sickness

Usually this symptom appears later, but in case of some women it can start as early as the 5th week. It is all caused by the pregnancy hormones that you have right now. Don’t forget that the sense of smell of pregnant women is heightened, so some of the smells could make you feel like you will throw up.

Breast tenderness

Again, because of those pregnancy hormones you will experience this one of the signs and symptoms of 5 weeks pregnant. You breasts will become swollen and they will be painful to the touch. The symptom is something like what you feel right before you have your period.

Oh…so tired

This one of the 5th week of pregnancy signs and symptoms isn’t surprising at all. You should know that your body has to work overtime to support the baby. To handle it you should make sure you sleep at least 8 hours at night and if possible you should take a nap in the afternoon as well.

Getting emotional

It is common for women to become moody and emotional. You have to blame the hormones for this as well. You may think of the first weeks of pregnancy as a very long period, because the signs and symptoms are pretty much the same.

This one of the 5th week of pregnancy signals can be pretty hard on some women. Although you may feel like you have every right to be moody, keep in mind that the people around you have no way of understanding, so try to be nice to them and to control your feelings.

Bloating and gas

If you are thinking about the signs and symptoms of 5 weeks pregnant you don’t have to worry about showing yet. However, the gas and the bloating could make you look like you are already showing. During this time the baby is only a millimeter long, so there is no way for you to show but that does not mean that your belly won’t be swollen by the extra gas your pregnancy hormones cause during this week.

There is a lot to know about the signs and symptoms of 5 weeks pregnant so make sure you look the information up in case you want to get pregnant.


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