Learn More About Ovulation Period

When thinking about the ovulation period, you should know that ovulation refers to the moment when a mature egg gets released from one of the ovaries. It travels through the fallopian tube. Here it is supposed to be fertilized. The uterus’ lining thickens, but if there is no fertilization, it will shed.

Key facts about the ovulation window

It is a known fact that an egg can be fertilized for only 12-24 hours after it was released. Usually there is only one egg released during each menstrual cycle. There are a lot of factors that can influence ovulation, such as stress, disruption of the normal routines and different illnesses.

Ovulation PeriodSome of the women see ovulation spotting right before ovulation takes place. If the egg gets fertilized it takes about 6-12 days for the fertilized egg to get implanted in the uterus’ lining. Upon birth, each woman has millions of immature eggs that are waiting to get mature.

It is possible for women to have their regular period even if the ovulation process didn’t take place. On the other hand ovulation could take place even if women don’t have a menstrual period. Some of the women feel some pain or cramping before ovulation. This is known as mittelschmerz.

If the egg isn’t fertilized during the fertile window it gets disintegrated and it is absorbed by the lining of the uterus. During the menstrual period, the egg and the lining will shed in order to make room for the new lining that will start forming right after the previous period ends.

Track your ovulation

The menstrual cycle of women starts in the moment when they have their period. This lasts until the first day of their following period. When it comes to the ovulation time, you should know that the average length of the menstrual cycle is of 28-32 days. However this could be shorter or longer.

The ovulation period is usually 12-16 days before the beginning of the next menstrual period. However women could ovulate between days 11 and 21 of their cycle and this is known as the fertile window. If you have sex during this period you will have higher chances of getting pregnant.

Keep in mind regarding the fertile time that it could happen at just any moment during the menstrual cycle and it is possible for a woman to have her ovulation at a different moment each month. This is why it is so important to track your cycle, especially if you are planning to get pregnant.

Ovulation cycle

The first cycle of the time of ovulation is known as the follicular phase. This lasts between the last day of the previous menstrual period and it lasts until ovulation occurs. The length of this phase varies greatly from one woman to the other lasting between 7 and 40 days.

As you can see, there is a lot of information to know about the ovulation process. You can use this process to increase your chances of getting pregnant quite fast.


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