More About Prevention of Teenage Pregnancy Facts

Having a planned pregnancy when the woman has stability is a wonderful thing, but having an unplanned teenage pregnancy is everything but wonderful. This is why it is good to know about prevention of teenage pregnancy facts.

Prevention of Teenage Pregnancy Facts

Open communication

In order not to have problems later, you should always try to maintain open communication with your child. Become a parent that your child can talk to openly without being afraid of repercussion. It is best if you ask questions about the life of your child and offer honest answers to the questions that she asks.

Although you may love her more than anything in the world, when it comes to facts about preventing teenage pregnancy you should never tell your daughter that you think she is perfect. This is important because she might try to hide her imperfections from you. Consider her a good person who makes mistakes from time to time.


In order to achieve prevention of teenage pregnancy facts, you should discuss your expectations from her openly. You shouldn’t tell her that you want her to be a doctor. Instead tell her that you want her to graduate high school and go to college. Support your daughter in setting her goals and do some follow-up.

Relationships and sex

When thinking about the truth about teenage pregnancy prevention, you should remember that ‘the talk’ shouldn’t be just one talk, but several talks in many occasions. Talk about having sex and the importance of waiting to be mature enough so that she will be able to deal with the consequences her sexual relationships will have.

In case you are thinking about the prevention of teenage pregnancy facts you should talk to your daughter about birth control and the way you feel about abstinence. Talk about the boundaries that she ought to have and that the teenage years should be about sharing intimacy with other people on a non-physical level.

The mothers thinking about the teenage pregnancy prevention truth should talk to their daughters about the importance of avoiding abusive relationships. Make it clear that people shouldn’t pressure other people to do things that they don’t want to. Talk about pregnancy and everything that raising a child involves.

The parents thinking about the prevention of teenage pregnancy facts should remember their teenage years and try to understand their child so they would be able to see through their eyes just for a moment.


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