Learning About Amniocentesis Risks

Before talking about amniocentesis risks, we should define what the procedure itself is.

Through this procedure the doctor collects a sample of your amniotic fluid that will be later tested.

This is the fluid that protects and surrounds the baby while he or she is in the womb. The fluid comes with substances produced by the baby.

Miscarriage as one of the amniocentesis risks

Although this is considered to be a routine procedure, there are some risks associated with amniocentesis in case it is performed in the second trimester. Miscarriage occurs once in every 300-500 cases. The researches regarding amniocentesis dangers show that the chances for something to go wrong are even greater before the 15th week of pregnancy.

Amniocentesis RisksVaginal bleeding and cramping

In case a woman goes through this procedure it is possible for her to experience some cramping. Vaginal bleeding is also among the amniocentesis risks but they occur quite rarely.

Needle injury

Just as you may have thought, such a procedure is done with the help of a needle.

In case the baby happens to move right when the procedure is performed, he or she might have an arm or leg injured by the needle. This amniocentesis hazard is not exactly common but it can happen in one out of 5 cases.

Amniotic fluid leakage

Another one of the amniocentesis risks is that the fluid could leak through the vagina after the procedure is done.

Normally this leak is sealed, and the pregnancy progresses normally afterwards. Nonetheless in rare cases such a leakage may cause the baby to have orthopedic problems.

Rh sensitization

When thinking about amniocentesis risks you may also consider that it is possible for the blood of the baby to get into the bloodstream of the mother.

In case the mother is Rh negative then she will be given RH immunoglobin after the procedure so that her body won’t produce antibodies against the blood of the baby.


Usually the fears regarding the risks of amniocentesis have no real basis, but we have to face the fact that it is possible to be affected by a urinary tract infection after a women goes through the procedure.

Infection transmission

The possibilities of amniocentesis are even wider in case you have a serious infection, such as toxoplasmosis, hepatitis C or HIV, because during the procedure the little one could also get infected with whatever you have.

Keep in mind that doctors suggest the procedure if the results have an impact in the pregnancy and then they also talk about the perils of amniocentesis so that the patient will know what to expect.

Nonetheless it is always the mother who has the last word to say regarding the procedure. The doctor or the counselor will just help you make the decision, thinking about the jeopardy of amniocentesis.

Before agreeing to any kind of procedure, you should make sure that you ask about the risks, such as the amniocentesis risks to know what could go wrong, and in case something does go wrong, what are the consequences that you may have to be facing and what are the solutions.


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