First Response Pregnancy Test Facts

Since the brand is so popular, there are a lot of women looking for First Response pregnancy test facts. Usually these tests are used by the women who really want to get pregnant or who really don’t want to get pregnant. The manufacturer claims that the test can offer reliable results 6 days prior to the first missed period.

First Response Pregnancy Test Facts

Significance of the facts regarding the First Response pregnancy test

The test measures the hCG levels, which isn’t naturally present in the bodies of women. It is only produced by the placenta. It has to be found in the urine of women so if it is present there is no other explanation than that the woman in question is pregnant.


In case you are interested in the facts about the pregnancy test from First Response you should know that the accuracy of the test is said to be of 95%-100%.

Nonetheless there are some possibilities for the test to be mistaken as well. We have to remember that the hormone levels aren’t the same for all women.

The First Response pregnancy test facts include the possibility to have a false positive. This means that women get a positive result even though they aren’t really pregnant. The company claims that the tests are 40% accurate 6 days before the first period and their accuracy increases as the time of menstruation gets closer.


It is good to know about the truth about the First Response pregnancy test that the false positive can come from a phenomenon called ‘evaporation line’. This appears in case the test isn’t used as it should be. In this case the results take longer to develop than they are supposed to.


Although it is heartbreaking to have a false positive, women have to remember that it all depends on their hCG levels. Sometimes the hCG hormones reach the blood very slowly while in other cases they don’t reach it at all.

Expert insight

It is important to remember regarding the First Response pregnancy test truth that the 95% accuracy of the test is calculated in case of women who have periods of 28 days and who have their ovulation on the 14th day. In fact the menstrual cycle of women varies greatly from one woman to the other.

The First Response pregnancy test facts don’t tell you not to use the test, but rather advise you to be cautious.


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