Pregnancy Weeks Calculator

Pregnancy Weeks Calculator

1. Calculate:
My estimated conception and due date First day of my last menstrual cycle Conception date from known due date
2. First day of your last menstrual period:
2. Enter your due date:
2. Enter your due date:


First Trimester Second Trimester Third Trimester

9 months is a long time and it is easy to forget which week of pregnancy you are in. Here is a pregnancy calculator which will do just that. The calculator is a 3-in-one tool that can give you the milestones of your pregnancy week by week along with:

1. The due date and probable conception date

2. The due date and probable last day of menstrual cycle

3. Only the probable conception date

This tool is based on the fact that ovulation occurs in the mid way of a menstrual cycle. Conception can occur around this time. Depending on when your last period occurred, the tool calculates the probable conception day and then adds 40 weeks to it to give the probable date of delivery. It splits the interim period into weeks, categorizes them into trimesters and gives you the week-by-week dates of your pregnancy, all at once.

To use this tool just go through the following simple steps:

1. The first step is ‘calculate’ where you can choose the information desired by you. Just click on the radio button to choose the relevant field.

2. Based on what you choose in the first step, the second step will display the next field to be filled. If you choose the first radio button then it will ask you for the first day of the last period. If you choose the next 2 buttons then you will be required to enter your due date in the second step. Then hit the calculate button below.

3. The results field will show a bar with the probable conception date or the estimated day of the last menstrual period, followed by a week-by-week split-up displayed as a chart just below it, along with the due date (as applicable).

4. For fresh set of calculations you have a clear button that will spare you the effort of reloading the page.

The calculator is based on a mathematical formula that calculates the results based on your inputs. Hence the results are as accurate as your inputs. Also, the length of the menstrual cycles may vary from woman to woman and may not always be 28 days long. In which case, the number may have to be adjusted accordingly.

Finally, before going ahead keep in mind that most women do not deliver the baby on dot. This is an estimate and the baby can arrive a few days before or after this date.

Pregnancy Weeks Calculator was last modified: December 2nd, 2017 by admin