Protecting Your Advanced Age Pregnancy

There are several reasons for women choosing to experience pregnancy later in life – careers, finances, marriage. Whatever the reason may be for postponing pregnancy, women who have decided to have a child later in life need to be aware of primarily one thing: they can still have a powerful and healthy pregnancy.

There are many stigmas surrounding advanced age pregnancies, and they should not deter women ages 35 years or older from having a family. Women ages 35 years or older can become pregnant and can have a healthy baby. They simply need to follow a few tips to make sure their pregnancy is a healthy and happy one.

protecting your advanced age pregnancy

Work Out

Women who regularly worked out during their pregnancy typically experienced shorter times in labor and were able to deliver with less complications. Although exercise is important for a healthy pregnancy, make sure that you do not overdo it. Your body will not be able to handle grueling exercise regimens, and it is wise that you contact your physician or a personal trainer experienced with pregnant women prior to committing to a regular work out routine.

Eat Right

Eating right will give you more energy, will help you better regulate your moods, and will help your baby develop appropriately. We know that you may want to eat nothing but ice cream or crave highly fatty foods while pregnant and that managing a proper diet can be difficult. To help in your endeavors, ask your OB/GYN if there is a nutritionist in the area that caters to pregnant women. A prenatal nutritionist will be able to create a meal plan that will help you maintain optimal health both during and after your pregnancy.

Get Tested

Women ages 35 or older who become pregnant have an increased risk for having children with genetic abnormalities, especially trisomy 21, trisomy 18, and trisomy 13. Trisomy 21, which is the most common genetic abnormality in pregnancies belonging to women ages 35 and older, is linked to Down syndrome. Having prenatal DNA testing completed during your pregnancy will help you better plan the future of your family. Prenatal DNA testing from a reputable lab will let you know if your child may be experiencing any genetic abnormalities. For more information about prenatal DNA testing and the benefits it provides, visit

Take Your Vitamins

Folic acid is a pregnancy super vitamin! Incorporating folic acid into your current vitamin regimen recommended by your physician can help decrease the likelihood of genetic defects in your pregnancy – especially those related to brain and spinal cord. By simply taking a supplement or by eating a cereal high in folic acid, you can help your pregnancy be a more healthy one.

Manage Your Weight

Women who gain more than the recommended 20 to 30lbs during pregnancy are more susceptible to diseases like diabetes and preeclampsia. Both diabetes and preeclampsia can put both mother and child at risk during pregnancy, potentially leading to premature birth or even death. Regular check-ups and weigh-ins can help you make sure that you are appropriately gaining weight, and eating right and working out will help you manage your weight effectively.

Just because you are 35 or older doesn’t mean that you can’t have a baby. You can get pregnant, you can have a healthy child, and you can stay healthy well after giving birth. Don’t let naysayers prevent you from having the family you’ve always wanted. Just make sure that you take care of yourself.


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