Is It Safe To Consume Pregnancy Tea?

Every pregnant woman thinks that drinking coffee and tea are harmful to their baby and they must be cut from the diet.

They can be harmful only when you consume them in increased quantities.

Moderate intake of coffee won’t cause any problems to your developing fetus.

According to the past studies, drinking coffee and tea are linked to the problems like heart defects, stillbirths and other congenital problems.Pregnancy Tea

Caffeine causes same effects on your baby as it does on you. Consuming large amounts of caffeine during your pregnancy will develop an addiction in your developing child. Even when the mother consumes moderate amounts of caffeine can cause low birth weights and miscarriages.

Herbal teas are safe for some extent in your pregnancy. Even herbal teas are also harmful when you consume them in large quantities. Some ingredients in this pregnancy tea are safe but most of them are not.

Usually, herbs can be used as drugs and thus they can be as effective as certain medications. Only few herbs are used as pregnancy teas.

Which herbal pregnancy teas are safe?

The pregnancy teas made from peppermint, rose hips, lime blossom, roasted barley, thyme and ginger are safe to drink in smaller amounts and that too occasionally.

Though drinking large amounts of any tea is harmful during your pregnancy or while you are nursing as they can cause health issues in you and your growing child.

Which herbal pregnancy teas are not safe?

The herbs used in making pregnancy teas when consumed in large amounts can stimulate your uterus and stimulates miscarriage.

These teas include: chamomile, anise, hibiscus, lemongrass, rosemary, stinging nettle leaf, European mistletoe, ephedra, horehound, catnip, mugwort, raspberry leaf, sage, vetiver, comfrey, Labrador, yarrow, lemongrass, licorice root and pennyroyal.

But, some women prefer to have raspberry leaf to help at the time of delivery as they decrease the length of the labor. This pregnancy tea also helps you from pre or post term gestation.

The effectiveness of this herb has not been proven. If you want to use this pregnancy tea, it should be done under supervision of your health care provider. Stay away from the remaining herbs that are listed above during your pregnancy and lactation.

Some professionals think that regular consumption of pregnancy tea may help you in preventing problems like pre-term labor, postpartum hemorrhage, preeclampsia and prolonged labors.

Herbs used in making pregnancy tea:

Here are the common components used in making herbal teas. But some of these herbs have questionable safety ratings.

Alfalfa: This herb consists of Vitamin A, D, E and K. This is good during later pregnancy to boost vitamin K and it helps in preventing postpartum hemorrhage.

Chamomile:It has higher quantities of calcium and magnesium. It helps in relieving from sleeplessness and inflammation of joints.

Dandelion: Higher amounts of vitamin A, iron and calcium are present in this herb. It helps in relieving from mild edema and also nourishes the liver.

Ginger root: This herb helps in relieving from vomiting and nausea.

Lemon balm: This herb has calming effect and helps in relieving irritability, anxiety and insomnia.

Peppermint leaf: Relieves you from morning sickness, nausea and flatulence.

Red raspberry leaf: High in iron. This is helpful in toning the uterus, decrease nausea, amplifies milk production and relieves you from labor pains.

Rose hips: It is a best source of vitamin C and helps in boosting your immune system.

Stinging nettle: Rich in vitamin A, C, K, iron, potassium and calcium. It can be used in most of the pregnancy teas.

Don’t blindly go with these herbs used in making pregnancy tea, before going to make any decision, you must consult your health care provider as some of these herbs can be harmful for you and your baby.


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