Noticed Signs Of Pregnancy? Be Alert If Your Symptoms Are Severe!

If you are woman in a normal state of health having regular periods previously and fail to menstruate for ten days after your due date, it can be presumed that you have become pregnant.

The first sign of pregnancy is your breasts undergo considerable changes in shape and size. The blood vessels of the uterus dilate to increase the supply of nutrients to the fetus.

The blood supply to your brain therefore decreases to some extent. This can cause fainting or dizziness sometimes.

Sign of PregnancyWhen you are 3 weeks pregnant, you can experience nausea and vomiting in the morning and it can continue up to twelve weeks which is a sign of pregnancy.

The other sign of pregnancy is, in the first three months, the uterus development exerts pressure on the urinary bladder causing urination frequency to increase.

Later on, this problem decreases, though it recurs later when the baby descends to the lower parts of the abdomen in the final stages of pregnancy.

Skin color changes due to the shift in the hormonal balance which is a sign of pregnancy. Your skin color becomes darker from the breasts to the lower abdomen, thighs, genitals and the area surrounding the nipples, which often does not revert to normal even after the delivery.

In the first pregnancy trimester, you feel tiredness and it tends to decrease in the later months, which is common sign of pregnancy. You can develop peculiarities in taste soon after conception. In some women, desire for certain foods can be seen.

You are troubled by heat to greater extent and perspire more freely. During pregnancy, you can often experience mental tension and depression. You will get anger easily and can easily burst into tears.

As you will be taking medicines containing iron contents in it, you can have trouble of constipation, which is a sign of pregnancy. You can also face indigestion and gas in the stomach which are other signs of pregnancy.

You can find swelling of the joints of the arms and legs because the blood increases in volume by as much as 50 percent and accordingly becomes thinner. Therefore, the additional fluids collected in the joints cause swelling.

Some women have the trouble of piles during pregnancy due to the formation of blood clots in the veins of the rectum.

Lower back pain is a common sign of pregnancy and the pain increases in the advanced stages of pregnancy. As the fetus weight increases, the abdomen sags forward which results in the formation of concavity in the back at the waist level. This causes the pain in the back and spine.

As your pregnancy progresses, load on the heart increases and the heart beats with ten times force greater than normal. Some women can experience burning sensation in the chest.

The reason is reduction in the lower esophageal sphincter tone, gas and hyperacidity in the stomach. Therefore, the gas exerts pressure on the intestines, diaphragm and chest.

Other than the above signs, you can also experience headaches, pain in ribs, feeling of numbness, and nose bleeding. Consult your gynecologist if your symptoms are severe and last for long time.


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