What can happen to your family when you pass away?

Being pregnant is wonderful and while having children and bringing them up can be not only expensive, but stressful and the decision to have...

Pursuing Medical Education During Pregnancy

Birth rates and pregnancy among teens in U.S. have declined in recent times according to report. However, there are still 750,000 teen pregnancies every...

The Best Dressed Celeb Mums

Who hasn’t flicked through a magazine and looked with envy at the photos of celebrities looking effortlessly stylish? Even celeb mums and their kids...

Types of Abortions – Get the Details You Need

Having an abortion is an important decision that women shouldn’t be rushed to take. When the woman in question is sure that she wants...

Morning Sickness Is The First Pregnancy Challenge

When I got pregnant with my first child, I and my husband were living in Japan. Of course, newly weds, crazy in love and...

The First Month Of Pregnancy Demystified

All future moms enter the pregnancy talk sooner or later and if most of the forums discuss personal experience some online articles or info...

The “How Will My Baby Look” Dilemma

Many future moms are getting at one point or the other of their pregnancy to the moment when presumptions about their baby appearance tend...

Who Said You Can’t Be The Most Fashionable Future Mom

Some women feel uncomfortable during their pregnancy, because of the weight gain and the swollen feet. In the past, I have met many...

Why Go To Lamaze Class?

Lamaze is a breathing technique started some time in the late 50’s to help pregnant women through their labor and birth. Pregnancy, besides...

B9 Vitamins To Make Babies Smarter

When a future mom finds out for the first time about her pregnancy, the first thing that comes to her mind is the health...